The shape of things to come?
There is a proposal for two tower blocks rising to 29 and 20 storeys at Hardess Street, next to the railway line between Herne Hill Road and Milkwood/Hinton Roads. This is the potential view from Milkwood Road, looking towards Loughborough Junction!
Full details of the planning application can be found on the Lambeth planning website. You then need to search for 19/04280/FUL. The Metaphorm application has 137 documents, many running to multiple pages.
The Herne Hill Society, together with the Herne Hill Forum, want as many people as possible to be aware of this proposal. We welcome the retention of light industrial uses at lower levels, but have made clear to Lambeth our strong opposition to the upper residential floors reaching the unprecedented heights that are proposed and, more generally, to over-development on this small site. The Loughborough Junction Action Group take the same view.
You can read the full text of our objection. [PDF]
The Lambeth planning website allows anyone to make a comment. We are requesting an extension for the consultation (due to expire on 12 March 2020), but meanwhile we urge you to make your voice heard!
You can also add your comment on this page or email environmental@hernehillsociety.org.uk
What we do
The Society, through its elected Committee, considers that, if the Society is to play any part in the democratic local planning process it needs to be able to express views on behalf of the Society and to do so transparently. The weekly lists of applications issued by Lambeth and Southwark Councils are monitored and where it is felt that a comment might be called for, the application is referred to the Society’s planning group. Once a response is agreed the Society puts in an objection, a comment in support or says nothing. The vast majority of planning applications are not controversial and do not call for comment. The Society welcomes views expressed by members on planning issues.